Cllr Donna West

Donna grew up in Skelmersdale having moved here with her family from Liverpool in 1969. She attended Trinity Primary and raised her family in the town. Since being elected to West Lancashire Borough Council in 2007, Donna has fought for improvements to the local area, such as tackling antisocial behaviour and opposing the extension of Whitemoss landfill.

She also led the campaign against the car-parking charges which the previous Conservative administration threatened to impose on Sandy Lane Shopping Centre, working with residents, shop owners, Lancashire County Council and the local Labour MP to achieve a strong result for local residents.

As Chair of the council’s Scrutiny Committee, she regularly challenges council officers to ensure the council is getting best value for money on behalf of council taxpayers, whilst also challenging Government on continuing funding cuts to local councils which hit local residents the hardest.

Outside of her Councillor role, Donna works as a carer for people with complex needs, older residents and those who are vulnerable.

Donna says:

I have been proud to represent residents of Skelmersdale on the local council over the past 17 years and fighting for improvements and services, despite the whole time having been under a Tory Government who have cut the local budget by 92%.

My commitment remains today as when I first started, working to support residents in my ward, where I live – your problems are my problems. 

We need to keep the pressure on Lancashire County Council to fix our roads and stop the Tories who keep cutting the roads budget. 

I’m proud our Labour Council has invested in increased council housebuilding, through setting up our own housebuilding company Tawd Valley Developments. as part of our aim to improve housing standards and availability right across the town.

Please keep reporting to me any issues I can help with and I do hope you can support me to continue to be your voice on local matters, by voting on Thursday 2nd May.